Crowds at AWS

Arnie said a loud “Servus”

21.06.2024 13:00

"Watch 'Terminator'!", thought many Austrians and made the pilgrimage to the Hofburg for the Austria World Summit (AWS) for autographs and photos with Schwarzenegger ...

It was almost a bit of an "imperial" audience when Arnold Schwarzenegger invited people to an autograph session at the Vienna Hofburg as part of the Austria World Summit.

Despite the heat, people queued up, patiently and chatting to each other. But anyone who expected to be able to immerse themselves in a conversation with the Hollywood cult star when the time came to stand next to the 76-year-old former governor was mistaken. Arnie didn't say goodbye quietly, but said "Servus" loudly right at the beginning of the meeting.

Fans were able to get Arnie's book signed. (Bild: Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
Fans were able to get Arnie's book signed.

But that was the end of the conversation. Logically, however, he was forgiven, because if he had talked at length to everyone present, this autograph session would certainly have lasted until the next Eco-Congress ...

The real one? The one with the cigar, of course! (Bild: Tuma Alexander)
The real one? The one with the cigar, of course!

Incidentally, many waited in vain for a picture with his wax figure counterpart - the crowds were simply too big. But the evening before, Arnold Schwarzenegger himself had the fun of taking a photo with himself. Conclusion after the cool action: the original remains the original!

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read the original article here.

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