On the summer stage

Nina Hartmann: “It won’t be boring with me”

23.06.2024 16:00

Nina Hartmann is a popular cabaret artist and actress who has just discovered something new for herself: summer theater. She is performing on the stage at the Theater Meggenhofen in Upper Austria, playing a cheeky maid in a Raimund classic. In the "Krone" talk show, however, she muses about robots and dream men.

Nina Hartmann's dialect is unmistakably Tyrolean and she has a charming, fun-loving wit. The well-known actress and cabaret artist will be on stage until July 14 in the summer play at the Meggenhofen Theater in the Grieskirchen district, as we reported. A cabaret evening with "Das letzte Mal" (June 27) is also planned here. The "Krone" asks how she likes Upper Austria.

"Krone": While others are on vacation, you play summer theater, do you like that?
Nina Hartmann:
I really enjoy it! Normally I'm always alone on stage. But now it's like a school vacation: I'm with colleagues somewhere in the sticks - it's fantastic.

You play a housemaid in "The Alpine King and the Misanthrope".
A funny role! I like the change from cabaret. I'm currently on the road with my solo show "Endlich Hausfrau". The title is absolutely polarizing and can only be understood ironically!

Hartmann also confesses private things in the "Krone" interview (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Hartmann also confesses private things in the "Krone" interview

How do you actually do the housework?
Honestly? I recently thought about buying a robot vacuum cleaner. I'm on the road a lot. Whenever I come home, it's always dusty. I don't know where the dust comes from when all the windows are closed. But it's there! That's why I think a robot vacuum cleaner would be great.

Do you have any experience with it?
A friend of mine has one and she's really happy with it. She always gets a text message from her robot: "Everything cleaned!" That's great!

That sounds like a real relationship.
Yes, a message from your robot is perhaps the start of a happy relationship.

Can you tell us if there is currently a prince?
I'm not going to say! Just write: "She's laughing!" Some people think that's a call. I don't need to go on Tinder, because if people read this now, the requests will come.

What does the man of your dreams have to offer you?
The list would be too long, there's not enough room.

What do you need for a good relationship?
Lots of action, energy, variety and craziness - so I don't think it will be boring with me. I also have the comedy series "Fairy Fails" on Joyn. One of the episodes is dedicated to this very topic.

Give us an honest answer: what is the secret to a long-lasting relationship?
Maybe separate apartments. But I'm not a professional, I'm still in training. Honestly, you never stop learning!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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