Often 50 euros a month

Fitness centers have raised their prices sharply

21.06.2024 10:46

Prices at fitness centers are making Austrians sweat more and more. Three quarters of gyms raised the cost of monthly membership fees last year, and 44 percent plan to increase them further this year. On average, members pay around 50 euros.

There are major differences within the industry: according to a recent WKÖ analysis, the average monthly membership price in individual studios rose from 53.26 to 55.99 euros. In the chains, it went up from 37.88 to 41.12 euros - an increase of 8.6 percent. Of course, there are still cheaper low-cost providers such as Clever Fit, Fitinn or McFit, just as there are significantly more expensive providers.

EMS studios often cost 100 to 120 euros for just one training session per month
In comparison, the most expensive are the so-called micro-formats such as yoga studios, EMS centers or CrossFit providers. The average monthly costs for these climbed from EUR 68.77 to EUR 72.93 (see chart), although there are major differences. For example, EMS centers (training with a power suit) often charge 100 to 120 euros for just one training session per week.

In general, the industry has recovered since the dip in the coronavirus era. "At least people are more aware of their own health and fitness," says industry spokesperson Christian Hörl, trying to take something positive away from the pandemic. After the number of fitness center members fell from over 1.2 million to under one million, almost 1.2 million people were enrolled again in December 2023.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV/Stock Adobe)

13.1 percent are gym members, less than in other countries
This means that 13.1% of the total population in Austria are gym members. Conversely, 86.9 percent are not yet members, which is why Hörl still sees "a lot of potential". In Germany, the proportion of exercisers is higher, in Holland it is 17 to 18 percent and in the Scandinavian countries it is even over 20 percent.

Strength training is particularly in demand here. Hörl: "We have a total trend towards muscle training, less cardio, and group courses such as abdominal-leg-butt workouts have become less common. The WHO now also recommends strengthening the main muscle groups twice a week."

Normally, people train 1.1 times a week in gyms
This is particularly important for older people, whose muscles otherwise dwindle from year to year. "90 percent of lifestyle diseases are due to a decline in muscle strength," says Hörl. Two thirds of fitness center members are still younger, between 20 and 49 years old; the average age is 38.8 years. However, one in four members is already 50 or older, and the trend is rising. Interesting fact: 54 percent of all members are female, but only 46 percent are male. Normally, members work out 1.1 times a week.

Two thirds of employees in the studios only work part-time
In total, there are over 1,300 fitness centers across Austria - a figure that has remained roughly the same for years. According to the first-time calculation, net turnover amounted to 615 million euros. With 20,600 employees, the sector is also important for employment in Austria. However, two thirds only work there part-time or even only marginally, for example alongside their studies.

According to Hörl, the outlook is good: "As we are still lagging behind other countries, I believe that we can expect continuous growth in the coming years."

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read the original article here.

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