Citizens demand solution

Alcohol scene in Floridsdorf: “Take away seating areas”

21.06.2024 11:00

For years, there have been problems with gatherings of drunks in front of the train station in Vienna-Floridsdorf. Citizens are finally calling for solutions and have a concrete proposal for Jonas-Platz.

Floridsdorf train station - the gateway to the district for tens of thousands of Viennese. But the problems with the alcohol scene on the forecourt remain.

Inside, the drunks are shooed out of the station by security guards. But they settle down right in front of it. In groups. Loud grumbling, arguments, bickering. "I no longer recognize my old Floridsdorf. The station forecourt is unsavory, and the politicians have been watching for years," says "Krone" reader Alfred Haberl.

What should politicians do? His suggestion: remove the stone benches that serve to enclose the plant beds. "That makes the place unattractive for the scene," says the Floridsdorfer.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV/Alfred Haberl)

District leader Georg Papai (SPÖ) wants to take the proposal to the next working group. However, his spokesperson qualifies: "Reducing seating does not automatically mean solving the challenges. It may shift the situation to bus stops and schools. We definitely don't want that."

What is still upright: the district wants an alcohol ban for Jonas-Platz and has also decided this in the district parliament. However, only the town hall can implement this. It has not given its approval for years.

Floridsdorf district leader Georg Papai (SPÖ) is calling for an alcohol ban zone in front of Floridsdorf train station. (Bild: Peter Tomschi)
Floridsdorf district leader Georg Papai (SPÖ) is calling for an alcohol ban zone in front of Floridsdorf train station.

The first steps have already been taken
The area used to be an attractive place to shop. With small but fine specialty stores. "In principle, this location would be very attractive, but first a solution has to be found so that we are not permanently confronted with the alcohol scene," explains Dietmar Schwingenschrot, Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Floridsdorf resident.

The district has already done a few things. The police are visibly on site, crosswalks have been improved and a team of social workers is looking after those affected. A cleanliness concept has also been implemented, according to the district council. A start, but obviously not enough.

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read the original article here.

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