Trial marathon:

Ex-partner: Boateng beat me up so brutally!

21.06.2024 11:12

He denies everything and emphasizes that he has never been violent towards women: Jerome Boateng! But according to his ex-partner and another witness, the LASK star is a wife-beater! But the judge at Munich District Court did not side with the prosecution . . .

"This judge has no interest in the proceedings!" This is how a German court reporter commented on Susanne Hemmerich's conduct of the trial against Jerome Boateng during one of the many breaks in the proceedings. Because she repeatedly reminded the prosecutor, who seemed helpless at the end, to stick to the incident from 2018, for which the LASK star is now in the dock for the third time for assault.

In 2021, he was sentenced to 60 daily rates of 30,000 euros each, in 2022 to 120 daily rates of 10,000 euros each. However, because the 2023 sentence was overturned due to a technicality, Boateng is now back in the dock. Yesterday on the second day of the new trial from 10 am to 3.15 pm. At one point, the judge growled towards the prosecutor: "If you keep asking questions like that, we'll still be sitting there in three years' time!"

Prior to this, Stefanie Eckert had repeatedly tried to use other statements to prove that the orgy of violence between the German national soccer hero and the mother of his twin girls, Sherin S., which degenerated during a vacation in the Caribbean, was not an isolated incident and that the defendant was prone to such outbursts. The public prosecutor also confronted Sherin S. with Boateng's read-out statement from the first day of the trial, according to which she had kicked him in the face with high heels.

Hand broken during argument
Answer from Sherin S., who is the mother of Boateng's twin girls (13): "We were in the car at the time, there was an argument. He tried to stop me from getting out of the car, grabbed me by the neck, by the collar - it hurt me. I then tried to kick his hand with my leg and hit him on the lip. Then he chased me around the car, I tried to run away from him, he pushed me, I fell and the spoke of my hand splintered."

Judge and public prosecutor at loggerheads
And even though Sherin S. spoke of violence in the relationship since 2008, the judge is only interested in this to a limited extent. She is mainly concerned with the one that happened on vacation in the Caribbean in 2018 - and for which the footballer has been charged with assault. For the third time, which is why the judge also wants to read those colleagues who had already fined Boateng 1.8 and 1.2 million in 2021 and 2022 respectively before the verdict was overturned due to a technicality.

Sherin S. said the following about the incident in the Caribbean on Friday. It was all triggered by the fact that her friend Vanessa R. had caught the professional footballer cheating while they were playing cards together, to which Sherin S. objected that he often did this. The situation then escalated, which Sherin S. described in her testimony in court.

"Jerome bit me on the head"
"Jerome got into it, got louder and louder. He said that I was ungrateful, a whore, that I would ruin everything. Then he left..."

When the former Bayern star returned, Sherin S. also told her friend about a former affair with Boateng and showed her photos. According to his ex-partner, this made the professional footballer even angrier. "He took a candle attached to a stand and threw it in my direction," claims Sherin S. And continues: "Shards hit me, my finger was bleeding. He kept shouting that I was provoking him. My friend tried to calm him down. He took a cool bag, threw it at me, hit me on the back of the neck, on my upper body - I cried. Vanessa was crying too..." The main witness and joint plaintiff then said: "He went into the bungalow. We then went to my children, stayed there. I knew there would be another attack, because I knew him from the past." Although there really was a meeting. "Outside the bungalow, he said, 'You bitch, you've managed to ruin the vacation again'," she explains. And: "He spat in my face, hit me in the face with both hands, pulled my hair, pulled my head forward and bit the top of my head. He later punched me several times in the back and once really hard in the flank. I screamed out loud. Vanessa tried to stop him. But he spat at me again."

The judge interrupted the trial for 15 minutes because Sherin S. was increasingly struggling with tears during her testimony and then also began to cry.

Boateng's media advisor active during the break
The trial was interrupted again just 20 minutes later. Boateng's media advisor "took advantage" of this to cast Sherin S. in a bad light with some cryptic statements to media representatives. Regarding Boateng's one hundred percent custody of the twin daughters, the PR professional said: "Jerome paid this woman 200,000 euros just for her to see the children - and this money is not about child support!" Or: "He once invited her to Lyon so that she could see the children. She later wrote a message saying that the trip hadn't paid off because she hadn't found anything incriminating against him!"

Another witness incriminates Boateng
Conversely, the soccer star has always claimed, and Boateng continues to emphasize, that he has never been violent towards women. However, Vanessa R., who appeared as a witness on Friday, gave a completely different account: Although she described the escalation of violence on the penultimate evening of the vacation almost identically to Sherin S., she emphasized about Boateng, described by LASK CEO Siegmund Gruber as a "model athlete", that he had repeatedly hit Sherin S. in the face with both fists! And Vanessa R. stated something else: "Mr. Boateng came back later that evening to apologize!" And the witness, who also emphasized that this was not the first time she had heard of allegations of violence in the relationship, continued: "I told him that you don't hit a woman. Whereupon he said that he knew that and was also in therapy!"

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