"Tolerance" after the election

Sobotka brings Hofer into play as successor

21.06.2024 11:59

National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP) was a guest at a press conference of the "offen gefragt" series at the Concordia Press Club on Thursday. He spoke about various current political issues, including the controversial EU renaturation law.

The "offen gefragt" format at the Concordia Press Club allows journalists to ask questions and thus determine the topics themselves. The President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, visibly enjoyed this change from the traditional press events.

"Free play of forces"
Sobotka sees the solo effort of Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler in the EU renaturation law as a breach of the constitution. His colleague had disregarded the assessment of the Constitutional Service. However, he was relieved that Chancellor Karl Nehammer did not end the coalition, as a "free play of forces" would cost the taxpayer billions.

It remains to be seen what will happen after the National Council elections in the fall. For the ÖVP, the Greens no longer seem to be an option as a partner, nor does the FPÖ under Herbert Kickl. There are regular spats with the SPÖ.

Sobotka emphasized that a lot is said during the election campaign, but that a "certain degree of tolerance" is necessary after the election. The outgoing President of the National Council also does not rule out a government of experts, such as the one under the recently deceased Brigitte Bierlein.

Successor for Sobotka
Sobotka also spoke about his successor and made it clear that it is a "custom" (custom, note) that the party with the most votes appoints the President of the National Council, but not a law. Should the FPÖ actually win the election, Norbert Hofer could be a possible successor. However, he ruled out Herbert Kickl for this office.

Norbert Hofer (Bild: APA/Robert Jäger)
Norbert Hofer

With regard to his withdrawal from parliament, Sobotka once again emphasized that it had been his free decision. He had been offered a place on the federal list by ÖVP leader Nehammer. But just as he had decided to enter politics as a "self-determined" person, he also wanted to decide when his mandate would end.

Sobotka did not want to give any information about his future activities: "I'll cross the bridge when it's there." According to insiders, he is likely to take over the chairmanship of the ÖVP Party Academy.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Thomas Schwarz
Thomas Schwarz
Selina Maria Prieth
Selina Maria Prieth
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