New loan players

Double strike! Hartberg upgrades its offense

21.06.2024 14:35

Hartberg coach Markus Schopp is giving his men a bit of time to catch their breath, as training for the East Styrian Bundesliga club does not officially start until June 28. Behind the scenes, however, there was no sign of calm. Those responsible wrapped up transfers in dry cloths.

Elias Havel has joined TSV, with the center forward joining Hartberg on loan from LASK. The U21 team player went through the Salzburg school and once formed the front two at Liefering with Slovenia's current EURO striker Benjamin Sesko. Alexander Prass provided the assists behind him. The 21-year-old played 25 competitive matches for LASK in the Bundesliga and Europa League.

"It's great that we were able to convince Elias to join us. He's an incredibly interesting player who has a lot of potential. He is about to make the leap into adult soccer. With him, I see the opportunity to be much more variable offensively and that's why it's a very exciting transfer for us."

"International starting place"
Havel said in a club statement: "My goals are to continue my development here and get plenty of playing time. I want to achieve the best possible place together with the team and hope that we qualify for an international starting place."

Aaron Sky Schwarz (Bild: TSV Hartberg)
Aaron Sky Schwarz

But that's not all: Aaron Sky Schwarz is another youngster (ÖFB U18) on loan from Rapid (most recently at Austria Klagenfurt) - Schwarz can play at left-back and right-back. Schopp on Schwarz: "He can leave a lasting impression here. He was able to gain interesting experience in Klagenfurt. I'm looking forward to the quality he'll give us."

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