Justin Timberlake:

Jessica Biel “extremely upset” about drink-driving

21.06.2024 14:16

Justin Timberlake doesn't just have to answer to the law after his drink-driving in the Hamptons.

The news of Justin Timberlake's arrest for drink-driving has also deeply affected his wife, actress Jessica Biel. He will now have to justify himself to her and their children.

"Extremely upset"
According to insiders, Biel, 42, was "extremely upset" and "shocked" when she found out about the incident. "Jessica is very upset. She was shocked when she heard the news and had no idea because she was working," an insider told Us Weekly. "She was really worried about him."

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake (Bild: 2022 Invision)
Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

Drama in the night
The singer made headlines on Tuesday night when he was caught drunk behind the wheel of his car in Sag Harbor on Long Island.

Biel was in New York, where she is filming her latest movie "The Better Sister", when Timberlake was drinking with pals in a hotel bar in the Hamptoms.

Jessica Biel during filming in New York. (Bild: Photo Press Service/www.PPS.at)
Jessica Biel during filming in New York.

Running a stop sign
Timberlake was stopped by the police after he ran a stop sign. The officers found the singer obviously intoxicated and took him into custody after he refused to take a breathalyzer test on the spot. Timberlake spent the night behind bars.

The police released a so-called "mug shot", the police photo of Timberlake in custody. He doesn't actually look all that sober in it.

In the official police photo, Timberlake looks into the camera with glassy, bloodshot eyes. He "only had one martini", he says. (Bild: APA/SAG HARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT / AFP)
In the official police photo, Timberlake looks into the camera with glassy, bloodshot eyes. He "only had one martini", he says.

"Just a martini"
On Tuesday morning, Timberlake was brought to court to face charges of drunk driving and other traffic offenses.

According to a court document, an officer said Timberlake's breath smelled strongly of alcohol. The pop singer was unsteady on his feet. He himself is said to have claimed that he had "only had one martini". According to the latest reports, it was a "Vesper Martini" cocktail, which contains vodka, gin and Lillet as well as Martini.

Cocktail blogger Moody Mixologist explained that the cocktail is "not for the faint-hearted", as the recipe usually calls for "a whopping 4 ounces (around 118 milliliters) of booze".

Lawyer wants to defend "vigorously"
Timberlake, who is considered one of the most famous pop stars of our time, is now facing another court date at the end of July. His lawyer has announced that he intends to take "vigorous" action against the allegations.

The 43-year-old, who has two children with Biel, is currently on tour with a new album. The multiple Grammy winner ("Cry Me a River", "What Goes Around... Comes Around") is planning to perform in Europe from July.

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