For the 55th time in Gols

Anniversary folk festival: Hinterseer & big fireworks display

21.06.2024 16:00

Music, culinary delights, wine, culture, trade fair and amusement park: the 55th Gols folk festival will once again feature a tried-and-tested mix.

It's just seven weeks away: the Gols folk festival opens its doors again on August 9th.

On the opening day, Wolfgang Ambros will welcome the crowds after the official starting signal. But Nik P., the Paldauer and Hansi Hinterseer are also expected to attract an audience.

Hansi Hinterseer: The heartthrob of all mothers-in-law performs at the Gols folk festival. (Bild: APA/dpa/Patrick Seeger)
Hansi Hinterseer: The heartthrob of all mothers-in-law performs at the Gols folk festival.

Lemo is at the start for the younger clientele. Also well known: Münchner Freiheit or local greats such as "Crowdfleckerl", the Puszta Ramblers or Stromlos.

"We are relying on the tried-and-tested mainstays with a few new features," says Mayor Kilian Brandstätter. The aim is to appeal to all age groups.

Family area, youth tent & senior citizens' day
There will be an enlarged "Family Area" for the little ones plus mom and dad. This time with a changing table and breastfeeding corner. "Here we will once again introduce parents to institutions and services that look after families in the region," explains Provincial Councillor Daniela Winkler.

For the older generation, there is not only the Senior Citizens' Day this time, but also the Provincial Hiking Day at the Volksfest. Young people will have fun in the amusement park and in the "Arena".

The day of the fair is new: on Tuesday there is a 50 percent discount on admission between 4 and 6 pm. This should encourage people to visit the business fair. There will be a big anniversary fireworks display on Wednesday this year.

"Of course, the Kultursommer will also be there, this year under the new management of Bernd Heinrich. And the culinary tent will once again attract connoisseurs. As will the wine and beer tent and many, many small exhibitors.

"It will once again be a festival of joy," smiles Brandstätter.

Slow train and shuttle buses
For those who want to come to the Volksfest without a car: The tried-and-tested shuttle bus will be supplemented by a slow train, which will primarily connect the train station and the Volksfest grounds.
More information is also available at

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