Accident near Zurndorf

Crashed into a tree: driver died

21.06.2024 14:30

A Hungarian (26) lost control of his vehicle on the B10 near Zurndorf (Burgenland). All help came too late for the man.

The serious accident happened on Thursday at around 8.20 pm. The car driver from Hungary left the road on the B10, Budapester Straße, between Zurndorf and Nickelsdorf and subsequently crashed into a tree without braking.

Man trapped
According to the Burgenland Provincial Police Directorate, the man was trapped in the vehicle. The rescue chain was set in motion immediately - the fire departments from Nickelsdorf and Zurndorf were deployed with more than 40 members and eight vehicles, as well as the Red Cross, the Christophorus 18 rescue helicopter and the police.

The VW Golf crashed with full force into a scattered tree at the side of the road. (Bild: FF Zurndorf)
The VW Golf crashed with full force into a scattered tree at the side of the road.

No chance of survival
Despite the immediate rescue measures - the accident victim was freed from the car by the fire department - the 26-year-old died on the spot.

The B10 was closed to all traffic between Zurndorf and Nickelsdorf from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. due to the rescue and recovery operations. The accident vehicle was removed by the Nickelsdorf fire department.

Cause of the accident unknown
The police are still investigating how the tragic crash came about. What is certain is that the Hungarian must have been extremely unlucky - there are not many trees on this stretch of road. One of the few was his undoing.

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