Now also Rosenbauer

Who the Red Bull heir is already giving wings to today

22.06.2024 10:00

With a fortune of more than 17 billion euros, Mark Mateschitz is considered the richest Austrian - and is now also discovering the world of vehicles for himself. Together with KTM owner Stefan Pierer and two companies from Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich, he is investing in Rosenbauer. However, his investment portfolio was already large before that.

"We are looking forward to shaping the future of Rosenbauer together with our partners and supporting the company on its growth path," said Mark Mateschitz on Thursday after it was finalized: Robau, which is backed by the Red Bull heir, Stefan Pierer and two companies of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich, is investing in the firefighting equipment manufacturer, forking out around 119 million euros to hold a third of the shares.

This is Rosenbauer

In 1866, Johann Rosenbauer founded the first Upper Austrian firefighting equipment business in Linz. Today, Rosenbauer has long since become a group with a sales and service network in 120 countries. With a turnover of 1.064 billion euros and around 4300 employees, the Leonding-based company is the largest fire equipment supplier in the world.

The 32-year-old as an investor in the vehicle business - despite all the joy about the Austrian solution, this is still a little "strange". The richest Austrian, whose fortune is said to be more than 17 billion euros, is active in many areas through his investments.

Who does Mateschitz give wings to? There is the Red Bull Ring (Formula 1, MotoGP) in Spielberg and the Tauroa hotel group with "extraordinary hotels", including the Landhaus zu Appesbach in St. Wolfgang.

From the art gallery to the airfield
An airfield in Lower Austria, a construction company, the Afro Coffee brand and an art gallery are also part of the investment empire. Mateschitz also owns the company that operates the Aqualux thermal spa in Fohnsdorf.

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