Shares in Upper Austrian companies

Full steam ahead

23.06.2024 14:00

The tug-of-war lasted weeks in some cases, months in others and even years at Oberbank! After the end of the legal dispute with UniCredit, calm has returned to the financial institution from Linz. Lenzing and Rosenbauer can also breathe a sigh of relief after landmark decisions. You can read here which course has been set and where and how much money is flowing for shares.

The fear that a foreign investor will step in is off the table, the constant bubbling in the rumor mill has stopped - with the conclusion of the agreement that Robau and thus KTM owner Stefan Pierer, Red Bull heir Mark Mateschitz and two companies of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich will take over the 3.4 million new shares in Rosenbauer and thus hold a third of the fire equipment supplier, the company from Leonding has its back.

After the equity ratio had fallen to a critical level, the banks had demanded that new capital be raised. With the 119 million euros that will flow through the deal with Pierer, Mateschitz and Raiffeisen, this has been fulfilled.

Now it's full steam ahead: Sebastian Wolf (Rosenbauer), Stephan Sielaff (Lenzing) and Franz Gasselsberger (Oberbank. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Harald Dostal (2), Barbara Kneidinger)
Now it's full steam ahead: Sebastian Wolf (Rosenbauer), Stephan Sielaff (Lenzing) and Franz Gasselsberger (Oberbank.

Family company remains major core shareholder
The price: Rosenbauer's family shareholders will lose their majority, but will remain a significant core shareholder, according to reports. The management around CEO Sebastian Wolf raves about the "extensive industrial know-how and experience in managing global supply chains". The order books are full anyway. Now it's full steam ahead!

This is how the shares in Rosenbauer, Oberbank and Lenzing are distributed. (Bild: Krone KREATIV)
This is how the shares in Rosenbauer, Oberbank and Lenzing are distributed.

A few days earlier, there was also clarity at Lenzing: After the previous majority shareholder B&C had announced that it would give up its shares, it is now clear that the world's largest pulp group Suzano will take over 15% of the shares in a first step. Cost: 230 million euros.

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Lenzing and Suzano are two companies that have come to know and appreciate each other as relevant players on the international pulp market in recent years.

Stephan Sielaff, Vorstandschef der Lenzing AG

The new shareholder from Brazil will increase its stake in the fiber producer to 30 percent by the end of 2028. "The constellation is a win-win situation," says CEO Stephan Sielaff. The site in Lenzing is to be secured in the long term.

After more than five years of legal disputes, Oberbank also breathed a sigh of relief: After all, UniCredit had sought a takeover procedure, but had been turned down. On Monday, UniCredit withdrew all pending lawsuits. "Maintaining Oberbank's independence was my most important professional goal in life," enthused CEO Franz Gasselsberger.

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