Hosiner on Helm

“You just buy everything he tells you!”

23.06.2024 09:00

Philipp Hosiner is satisfied after his first season in the Eastern League with the Young Violets. The captain has high hopes for Austrias new coach duo Helm/Wegleitner. The 35-year-old trained with the Young Violets for four months under Helm and will soon be taking his final coaching exam for his B license.

It was a really great season, but we ran out of steam a bit in the second half of the season, we had too many fluctuations in performance, we weren't on the pitch for ten to 20 minutes. Nevertheless, it was a great learning process, most of the players were playing men's soccer for the first time," says captain Philipp Hosiner, looking back on his first season with his Young Violets in the Ostliga. The Violets finished in eighth place, on Monday the Young Violets, like the "Erste", will start their preparation with the performance tests, the 35-year-old is on track in the coaching course, in November the final exam for the B license is due. Stephan Helm, who now forms Austrias coaching duo with Christian Wegleitner, previously coached the Violets for four months. "He's a great guy and a very good person. I was really impressed by his footballing know-how, Stephan hasn't been in the soccer business forever, but he already has a lot of experience. He is very good at communicating his idea of soccer, and the young players have also progressed a lot," says Hosiner.

The striker is working hard for his B license. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
The striker is working hard for his B license.

Under Helm, however, the Violets only won twice in 14 games. "The results didn't go our way, but in a team like this, it's all about development. He has an insanely good plan on how to play out from the back. There were three or four video analyses a week, the training sessions were filmed, so I was able to take a lot away with me for my future coaching career."

Austrias neo-coach Helm (right) has already coached St. Pölten together with Pogatetz. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Austrias neo-coach Helm (right) has already coached St. Pölten together with Pogatetz.

But that's not the only thing the striker raves about. "His rhetoric is very good, his speeches are always spot on. You simply buy everything he says!" What does Hosiner think the Helm/Wegleitner duo can do? "A lot, 'Wegi' has already proven it with four wins in a row. Both complement each other extremely well." What was the difference to Emanuel Pogatetz, who coached the Violets before Helm? "Pogatetz is a bit more detail-oriented, a statistics freak - in a positive sense."

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