Should come on loan

Red Bull Salzburg want this Leipzig player

21.06.2024 22:00

Salzburg are slowly but surely becoming active on the transfer market! The runners-up are looking for another goalkeeper alongside ÖFB goalkeeper Alexander Schlager and want to bring RB Leipzig's Janis Blaswich to the Salzach. Meanwhile, there is another surprise in the Bulls' coaching staff.

A transfer of a player from Red Bull Salzburg to RB Leipzig is almost on the annual agenda. This time, however, the Bulls seem to be turning the tables for once. Because in their search for a second goalkeeper alongside Alexander Schlager, the Bulls are rummaging around at their sister club in Saxony of all places. As the "Krone" has learned, Janis Blaswich is the hottest candidate for a loan transfer to the Austrian runners-up.

The 33-year-old German has played 64 games for the fourth-placed team in the German league last season. However, because Leipzig have opted for ex-Salzburg player Peter Gulacsi in goal, Blaswich, whose contract runs until the summer of 2026, can leave.

Blaswich stood between the posts 27 times for Leipzig last season. (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Blaswich stood between the posts 27 times for Leipzig last season.

U-turn over Ilsanker's successor
Should the goalkeeper join the team from Mozartstadt, he will have to deal with two new goalkeeping coaches. Under new coach Pepijn Lijnders, almost no stone will be left unturned in this position on the coaching staff. Contrary to earlier official announcements by the club, Sebastian Baumgartner will not be taking over from veteran Herbert Ilsanker. While the latter will continue to work in the Bulls' scouting department, Baumgartner's future remains open.

Instead, the Mozartstädter signed Pedro Felipe da Silva Pereira. The 38-year-old Portuguese most recently worked for Qatari club Al-Sadd and will take over together with Eddie Gustafsson. As reported, the Swedish club legend, who previously worked in the Red Bull Academy, is thus celebrating a comeback with the former serial champions, who began performance tests on Friday. The existing match analysis team will be strengthened by Christoph Kappel.

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