After the 3:1 goal

“Emotional!” Arnautovic cheers for his sick father

21.06.2024 21:58

ÖFB captain Marko Arnautovic scored the final goal in the 3:1 win against Poland on Friday - and for his sick father, who was in Berlin's Olympic Stadium.

The 78th minute: Arnautovic takes responsibility, steps up to take the penalty - and scores to give Austria a 3:1 victory. The Inter international immediately runs to the edge of the pitch, forms a heart with his hands and shows it to his family in the stands. His wife, two daughters, his brother and his father were there.

(Bild: Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

"It was very emotional for me"
"It was very emotional for me, it was a family occasion," Arnautovic told ServusTV after the game. "There was an incident with my father, who wasn't doing so well. But he was in the stadium today - everything is okay again, everything is perfect."

Nevertheless, the ÖFB star admitted that worrying about his dad had taken its toll on him recently. As an outsider, however, you wouldn't have noticed. "Arnie" was one of the best on the pitch.

"I can still do it"
The 35-year-old Viennese: "Of course you hear from the outside world, 'he's too old, he can no longer play Ralf Rangnick's game'. I don't think that's the case. I can still do it. I'm having fun being in this national team." And the spectators have a lot of fun with him ...

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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