New survey shows:

One in three people in France vote for right-wing populists

21.06.2024 22:20

According to a recent survey, one in three people in France intend to vote for Marine Le Pen's right-wing populist party. At 28%, the left-green electoral alliance is also well ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's camp (19%).

These are the results of a survey conducted by the Odoxa Institute on behalf of the magazine "Le Nouvel Obs." In terms of parliamentary seats, this would give the Rassemblement National (RN) a majority in parliament with 250 to 300 MPs. 160 to 210 MPs would be for the left, 70 to 120 for the presidential camp and 10 to 50 MPs for the conservatives and the far right. The poll currently predicts a voter turnout of 64%.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the RN (Bild: APA/AFP/ALAIN JOCARD)
Marine Le Pen, leader of the RN

Two rounds of voting
The members of the French National Assembly are elected in two rounds of voting. Candidates who achieve an absolute majority in a constituency are elected straight away. If this is not the case, there is a second round among the best-placed candidates and those who were supported by at least 12.5 percent of all eligible voters in the constituency concerned.

The first round of voting in France is on June 30, the run-off on July 7 (see video above). In response to the success of the RN (31.5 percent) in the European elections, President Macron dissolved parliament and called new elections at short notice.

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