3 years Bergkirche

When a guest performance finally ends…

22.06.2024 19:00

... then one laughing and one crying eye remain. This is also the case for Alexander Wessely, the military pastor of Burgenland.

In 2021, he was asked by Diocesan Bishop Ägidius Zsifkovics whether he would like to help out as parish priest at Oberberg in Eisenstadt. He was to serve the flock here for a maximum of eight months. "You only get offered a church like this once in a lifetime. Of course I took up the challenge," smiles the man of God. For those who don't know: The Bergkirche in Eisenstadt is one of the most prominent churches in the world - especially among musicians. After all, Joseph Haydn's skull is kept here.

His confirmation was one of the last major church festivals he celebrated on the Oberberg. (Bild: Oberberg)
His confirmation was one of the last major church festivals he celebrated on the Oberberg.

 But now 2024 has already come and gone. And at some point, it simply has to come to an end. "Being military pastor of Burgenland, episcopal vicar of the militia throughout Austria and pastor of the Oberberg is simply too much and takes its toll," admits Wessely. After all, being a parish priest on the Oberberg is not just about preserving "dead stone". You have to look after two very active parishes and fill Calvary and the parish with life. He has achieved this with flying colors.

Impressive list of "accomplishments"
He can look back on an impressive list of "accomplishments". Under him, the Holy Trinity Column was completed and the Chapel of the Cross in the mountain church was renovated. "Restoration was a constant topic," says Wessely. In addition, the mortuary and youth room were redesigned and the church tower and the design of the rectory forecourt in Kleinhöflein were tackled.

A lot has also happened pastorally. There have been processions from one church to another, multicultural evenings, the revival of the Mariazell pilgrimage and an exhibition in the former treasury. Last but not least, the exhibits from the diocesan museum were brought back to the Oberberg.

Alexander Wessely was the "master of the mountain church" for three years. "In the beginning, I got lost three times a day," laughs the likeable military priest. (Bild: P. Huber)
Alexander Wessely was the "master of the mountain church" for three years. "In the beginning, I got lost three times a day," laughs the likeable military priest.

"But I am particularly proud of the numerous social events, the "Advent am Oberberg" and the parish festivals, which were held in both parishes again after a break of many years," says Wessely.

His conclusion: "It was a wonderful and very demanding time. But three years of a 7-day week are enough!

Lots to do from September 1
Will he get bored after August 31? Wessely laughs. "No. As Episcopal Vicar, I'm looking forward to being able to travel to the provinces again. Besides, I'm missing my niece and nephews. There was hardly any time for them. And I've only had one vacation in these three years and that was only five days." There's also his musical "Judas - ein Mensch", he wants to do something at university again "so that my brain doesn't get rusty" and he also wants to write a crime novel.

As you can see: Even after his time at Oberberg, Alexander Wessely will have plenty to do!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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