Ofner also in action

Thiem meets top opponent at the unlucky venue of Mallorca

22.06.2024 13:39

For the first time since his departure from Paris in the second round of the French Open almost five weeks ago, Dominic Thiem will return to tournament action on Mallorca thanks to a wild card. The 30-year-old former US Open winner was drawn a top opponent for his comeback on the Balearic island on Saturday, Thiem will face the sixth seeded Frenchman Gael Monfils.

Austria's best tennis player Sebastian Ofner will face the Spaniard Jaume Munar.

Sebastian Ofner (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Sebastian Ofner

Excellent record against Monfils
For Thiem, who ends his career in the fall, it is also a return to a place of misfortune: Exactly three years ago today, the former world number three suffered a serious wrist injury in his right hitting hand on Mallorca, which forced him to take a long break. The injury and a lack of motivation ultimately prevented him from continuing his years at the top of the world rankings.

Gael Monfils (Bild: AFP )
Gael Monfils

Thiem goes into this match against Monfils as the underdog, although he has an excellent 6-0 record against the 37-year-old Frenchman. Monfils, who has also been unable to play Thiem three times, is currently ATP 38th, with Thiem almost 100 places behind him in 134th position.

Open account
Ofner, on the other hand, has some unfinished business in his first round match against Munar (ATP-60th). Including two Challengers, Ofner has lost all three matches against the Spaniard, with his only defeat on the tour coming last February in Rio in a 3:6, 1:6 defeat. Both Thiem, who is competing with doubles specialist Lucas Miedler thanks to a wild card, and Ofner (with Italian Luciano Darderi) are also competing in doubles.

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