Real or fake?

Lena Meyer-Landrut shocks fans with mega tattoo

22.06.2024 13:59

Is it real or just a fake? That is the question that is currently on the minds of Lena Meyer-Landrut's fans. The singer has now posted a picture on Instagram showing her with a mega tattoo on her back.

Lena Meyer-Landrut is currently causing a stir with a photo on Instagram. And it's not because the singer is topless, but because of the huge tattoo consisting of black lines that stretches across the 33-year-old's entire back.

Real or fake?
The fans' reactions were correspondingly shocked. "I hope the back is just painted," wrote one. "Mega, that tattoo! Ufffff!" or "An alien tattoo", commented others.

But some were certain: the huge "pecker" on Meyer-Landrut's back can only be a "fake"!

The video for Meyer-Landrut's new hit "Good Again" probably gives an indication that the tattoo could actually just be a temporary work of art. In the clip, the singer can also be seen with the eye-catching tattoo on her back.

Tattoo with a special meaning
Meyer-Landrut herself did not want to solve the mystery surrounding the body art, merely linking to the tattoo specialist, who presents numerous similar tattoos on his Instagram page, such as the one that adorns Lena's back in the current Insta photo.

However, one tattoo has obviously really been added to Lena's collection - and it's much more inconspicuous, but with a wonderful message. The 33-year-old's neck is adorned with the words "Good Again", as the latest photo in the Instagram picture series shows.

But it's not just the title of her current single, the words also have a deeper meaning for the musician. Because as Lena Meyer-Landrut recently revealed, she has been struggling with mental problems recently.

In a YouTube documentary, she spoke openly about depression and self-doubt. However, she is now feeling better again, as Meyer-Landrut assured us.

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