Max Müller

Rosenheim cop chases the devil in Eastern Styria

23.06.2024 11:00

The "Rosenheim Cops" are taking a summer break, which actor Max Müller alias "Michi Mohr" uses to go on the run in Eastern Styria. There he goes in search of special stories as a "legend hunter". The 59-year-old Carinthian gets romantic and creepy on his search for clues in Fischbach.

"Krone": Doesthe Rosenheim cop Michi Mohr cheat in Eastern Styria?
Max Müller: Well, "cheating" is actually the rule for actors - with the many roles that come your way over time. And the kind of (almost always) monogamous relationship that Max and Michi have had for 25 years is the exception rather than the rule. But no, the Rosenheim cop is only cautiously expanding his territory.

Would you also like to see yourself as series veteran Michi Mohr in other roles?
Of course. Provided I like the role and it suits me. Every role expands your own artistic possibilities. I meet people who are surprised that I can do something other than just Michi Mohr. After all, I'm also an actor and not just a face-painter. I've never presented for the camera before and that's what's really new about being a legend hunter. It's not as easy as I thought it would be.

Doyou also have childhood memories of filming in Fischbach?
Lots! I was a huge fan of Peter Rosegger as a child - and still am today. And when I was about nine or ten, I actually went to the "Waldheimat" with my father. When I arrived for the filming, I immediately recognized a lot of things after such a long time. From Alpl via St. Kathrein am Hauenstein to Fischbach. I'll never forget that. Winnetou was nothing compared to that!

The film team with May Müller at the Teufelstein (Bild: Theatergruppe Fischbach)
The film team with May Müller at the Teufelstein

Do you see any parallels between legends and crime stories?
Legends used to be crime stories! They have everything a good thriller needs. Suspense, interesting characters, crime and, very importantly for the sagas - mystery . . .

As a legend hunter, do you enjoy the journey through Austria and the different dialects?
In these eight episodes so far, I've been able to get to know more of Austria than I have for a long time - in terms of landscape, cultural history and, above all, with lots of lovely people. No matter what dialect they speak.

The facts

  • The 24th season of "Rosenheim Cops" is being filmed this year, once again with Max Müller in the role of Michi Mohr.
  • In the fall, the 555th episode will kick off the new season!
  • The "Legend Hunter" about the Devil ' s Stone with presenter Max Müller and the Fischbach theater group will be broadcast on ORF 2 on 2 September.

The tower-building Satan plays the leading role in the legend of the Devil's Stone in Fischbach. In which situations do you encounter the devil in human form?
I can answer that quite simply. In the ruthless greed for money.

You are a trained opera singer. When will we see you in Styria again?
I hope next year at a beautiful church concert in the Hartberg parish church! My shooting schedule doesn't allow for any other dates this year.

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read the original article here.

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