10 years Domquartier

Icons of Venetian painting in Salzburg

22.06.2024 18:00

10 years Domquartier Salzburg: The Residenzgalerie shows "Colors of the Serenissima", masterpieces from Titian to Canaletto from Vienna

Icons of Venetian painting make a guest appearance in Salzburg! On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Domquartier Salzburg, the Vienna "Kunsthistorisches" presents Venetian paintings from the period between the High Renaissance and Rococo and especially the veduta painting of the "Settecento" in the Residenzgalerie.

Curator Çiğdem Özel selected masterpieces from the former imperial collections from the two centuries between the painter prince Titian (1488/90 to 1576) and Canaletto (1697 to 1768) for the spectacular show "The Colors of the Serenissima", The catalog is a who's who of Venetian painting: Titian, Jacopo Bassano, Tintoretto, Veronese and his daughter Marietta, Andrea Schiavone, Paris Bordone, Giorgione, Domenico Fetti, Fontebasso, Sebastiano Ricci, Canaletto and others. Noble bronzes, a suit of armor of Doge Venier, silversmith's art complement the parade of sacred and allegorical scenes, beautiful women - the female portrait celebrates triumphs - and great politicians. However, it is not only the story that each of these paintings tells about Venice and its society that is fascinating, but also the painting itself and how it radically renewed itself. In Venice, a new color scheme and new lighting moods developed, painting became increasingly relaxed and the depiction of the rich and beautiful and their luxury goods became ever more virtuoso and elegant. Religious images became increasingly emotional, landscape painting more delicate.

The refined color magic of Venice, the Serenissima, symbol of power, wealth and beauty, fascinated all of Europe.

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