Four travel tips

Summer vacation in the Balkans for all those on a budget

22.06.2024 18:09

They are still considered an insider tip, the countries in south-eastern Europe that are waiting off the beaten track for holidaymakers from Austria: the coastal resorts in Albania, Bulgaria or Montenegro - are clearly on the upswing and impress with their wild nature and culture. The euro is worth more here than at home. The "Krone" has collected four Balkan tips for you.

Tipp 1

White sand and turquoise blue sea - the beaches on the Albanian Riviera have a Caribbean flair. A parasol and two sun loungers on the popular Ksamil Beach cost between 15 and 30 euros. The peninsula is lined with beautiful bays and beaches. At Plazhi Ksamil 9, for example, you can buy an umbrella and sun lounger set for as little as 5 euros and at Lori Beach for 10 euros.

Tipp 2

The Long Beach in Montenegro lives up to its name. It is the longest beach in the Balkan state. Two sun loungers with umbrellas are available for 10 euros per day.

The Long Beach Ulcinj in Montenegro (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Adobe Stock,,,)
The Long Beach Ulcinj in Montenegro
Tipp 3

The average price for the set in Bulgaria is 16 euros. It should not be forgotten that the cost of accommodation and food is very reasonable in many Balkan states. In Albania, for example, the price level in restaurants and hotels is more than half the price level in this country, just like in Bulgaria.

The idyllic Primorsko Beach (Bulgaria) (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Adobe Stock,)
The idyllic Primorsko Beach (Bulgaria)

Here you can still treat yourself to a coffee for one euro. An extended dinner is possible for around 10 euros. The further away from the well-known beaches by the sea, the cheaper it gets. Cheap accommodation is available for as little as 50 euros a night.

Baltic Sea tip: Heringsdorf on Usedom (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Adobe Stock,,)
Baltic Sea tip: Heringsdorf on Usedom
Tipp 4

If you are heading north, Usedom on the German Baltic Sea is the right place for you. You pay 12 euros per day for a 2-seater beach chair. If you only want to rent it by the hour, you pay three euros per hour. The island is considered extremely inexpensive, especially in the low season.

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