In a courtyard in Graz

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22.06.2024 18:23

A 55-year-old Romanian man living in Graz completely lost it on Friday evening and attacked a 39-year-old woman with a hammer. The trigger was probably an argument over borrowed money. A 50-year-old witness then stood in his way and was injured himself. The woman was only just able to escape from the aggressive man.

The escalation was probably preceded by an argument between the two Romanians living in Graz over borrowed money. They had tried to settle the matter on the phone, but the 55-year-old got "too stupid" and drove to her, as the police explained. Armed with a fist, he got out of the car and attacked the 39-year-old.

Witness intervened and was injured himself
A 50-year-old witness saved the day and immediately rushed to help. He stood in the way, whereupon the aggressive man hit him in the head with a hammer. He was able to get out of the way, but was injured on his shoulder and neck. The 50-year-old then grabbed a broom and knocked the hammer out of the attacker's hand. Another witness also rushed over - he had a gas pistol in his hand.

The police were finally able to arrest the 55-year-old - he was already known to the police. He later stated during interrogation that he had only wanted to scare the woman with the hammer. The man is now in custody and is to be sent to Jakomini prison. It was only by great luck that the 39-year-old woman was unharmed in the attack. An investigation into attempted murder is now underway.

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