Emir Karic is here

That’s why Sturm’s new player also strikes a quiet note

23.06.2024 08:00

Following the departures of David Schnegg and Amadou Dante, double winners Sturm are now relying on Emir Karic at left-back. The player from Linz comes from the German Bundesliga, where he experienced highs and lows. In Graz, he doesn't just enjoy the "Champions League treat".

Just over a year ago, they were flourishing - the "Lilies". On May 19, 2023, Darmstadt ("Die Lilien") secured promotion to the German Bundesliga. In the middle of the sea of jubilation: Sturm's new left-back Emir Karic. "It's the kind of thing that sticks in the memory," says the Linzer, drawing a positive conclusion after his German adventure despite Darmstadt's immediate relegation after just one season. "I was there for three years, played 85 games for the club, 27 in the Bundesliga. I really enjoyed it."

Karic felt the future champions Leverkusen on his toes. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Karic felt the future champions Leverkusen on his toes.

The now 27-year-old naturally wants to do the same in Graz. "The positive first impressions have been confirmed," grinned Karic after the first training session. "Andi Schicker showed me everything beforehand. Sturm is professionally managed, but still a family-oriented, open club. I like that." Why the move "back" from Germany to Austria? Karic is said to have had offers to stay in the Bundesliga. "Of course, the Champions League is a great treat, but it's not just that. I followed Sturm, even during my time at Altach. They've had a fantastic career, playing internationally all the time. I also like the soccer that coach Ilzer plays here."

A young Karic in the Youth League for RB Salzburg in 2015/16 alongside Konrad Laimer. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
A young Karic in the Youth League for RB Salzburg in 2015/16 alongside Konrad Laimer.

"They have improved"
What else is he looking forward to? "The fans in the stadium! I already got to see them when I was at Altach. But I've heard they've stepped it up a notch." Karic wants to give his all on the left wing to win over the supporters. "I've already been described as a fighter. That's what I am on the pitch, I like to take the team with me and bring energy." Off the pitch, the former U21 team player is calmer. "I'm passionate about cooking, trying out new recipes at home. And I play the piano." But there are no quiet sounds on the pitch.

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