Mixed reactions

David Hasselhoff as star guest at Gabalier concert

23.06.2024 07:24

Lifeguard appearance in the pouring rain: David Hasselhoff made a brief appearance at Andreas Gabalier's concert in Munich's Olympic Stadium on Saturday evening.

The 71-year-old US star ("Baywatch", "Knight Rider") stood on stage in proper style with a red "Baywatch" jacket, sunglasses and a life buoy in his hand and sang three songs - including his smash hit "Looking For Freedom". Party atmosphere despite torrential rain.

Gabalier: "I'm sure it will be great fun!"
Gabalier also wore a "Baywatch" outfit to celebrate the day during Hasselhoff's performance. "Who didn't watch the series back in the day?" Gabalier (39) said when announcing his special guest. "Standing on a stage with David will definitely be a lot of fun."

Hasselhoff sang three songs with Gabalier (Bild: picturedesk.com/Stefan Puchner / dpa / picturedesk.com)
Hasselhoff sang three songs with Gabalier

Hasselhoff had to cancel his own tour of Germany last year due to illness because of "a serious eye infection".

The 71-year-old US star ("Baywatch", "Knight Rider") took to the stage in proper style with a red "Baywatch" jacket, sunglasses and a life buoy in his hand. (Bild: picturedesk.com/Stefan Puchner / dpa / picturedesk.com)
The 71-year-old US star ("Baywatch", "Knight Rider") took to the stage in proper style with a red "Baywatch" jacket, sunglasses and a life buoy in his hand.

Comedian was the announcer
Hasselhoff wasn't the only one Gabalier brought in for his performance on Saturday evening: comedian Mario Barth was the announcer.

Fuss about star guests
While some are happy about the celebrity additions, others are fiercely critical. "It's getting really ridiculous," grumbled one follower. Many have bought tickets for Gabalier and are less than impressed by the additional guests. Nevertheless, there are also positive voices: "Brilliant, Mario Barth, will definitely be great," writes another fan.

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read the original article here.

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