In swimming lake in Upper Austria

19-year-old drowned, parents saw the whole drama

23.06.2024 09:17

Drama at the Goldwörth bathing lake (Upper Austria). A 19-year-old from Linz wanted to swim to a platform on the lake. Halfway there, however, he got into trouble and suddenly went under. His parents and friends, who were on the shore, tried everything to save the young man - in vain.

Six Iranians from Linz, including a 19-year-old, had gone to the Goldwörth bathing lake on Saturday to spend a nice day there. They set up camp at the south-western end of the lake.

Wanted to get a floating island
There is a floating island roughly in the middle of the lake. The 19-year-old wanted to bring it to the shore so that his relatives could climb onto it. He climbed onto it and loosened the anchoring, as the island was fixed to the bottom of the lake with a large stone and a rope. The 19-year-old heaved the stone onto the island and then tried to push it by swimming.

Rope tied around his waist
However, the young man was unable to do so and swam back to the shore. There he asked for the tow rope so that he could pull the island. His 38-year-old mother brought him the rope from the car. He tied it around his waist at around 8 p.m., went back into the water and swam towards the floating island.

About six meters from the shore, he called for help and then suddenly went under. His 45-year-old father and a 37-year-old man tried to reach him but were unable to do so. The 19-year-old could only be rescued dead by divers from the fire department.

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