Beach Rugby Trophy 24

How tackles turn into sporting friendships

23.06.2024 16:30

Things didn't get squeamish this weekend at Lake Klopein: beach rugby teams from Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and the whole of Austria battled it out to win the Beach Rugby Trophy 2024!

(Surprisingly "only") a bloody nose, a red card and the odd yellow card were the result of the heated clash between the ambitious athletes in the course of the Beach Rugby Trophy! After the group phase on Saturday, things got really serious on Sunday: Clube Rugby de Juomenha (Portugal) and RugbyDePlaza Zagreb (Croatia) faced each other in the final.

"This year's Beach Rugby Trophy really exceeded all expectations," said organizer Marco Hochmüller happily. "The weather was perfect, the sand was specially prepared once again and we certainly had 500 spectators per day!" The international teams were also particularly enthusiastic: "The classic beach rugby nations such as Croatia and Portugal are big fans of the Austrian atmosphere," says Hochmüller. They love the fresh water, the meadows and our landscapes.

The sporting spectacle will also take place next year: "We have developed a ten-year strategy, we want to build on this," says Hochmüller. Although the main competition is to remain at Lake Klopein, preliminary tournaments throughout Austria are certainly being considered. Because: "It's not just about sporting achievements, but much more about networking - that's how friendships are formed!" After the games, everyone celebrated, drank and laughed together.

These are the winners
In the end, however, a winner had to be chosen: The Portuguese team prevailed, 2nd place went to the Croatian "RugbydDePlaza", 3rd place went to the Gionnas Beach Brothers and 4th place went to Rugby Club Graz. In the women's competition, the Innsbruck team beat the Graz Dolphins. Third place went to the Roadrannas and fourth place to the Valkyries WRC Linz.

The Tigers Rugby Club Klagenfurt, who organized the tournament, secured 7th place (men) and 5th place (women).

Incidentally, the Portuguese team has not lost a single beach rugby tournament in Europe in the last two years!

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read the original article here.

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