Rain party

Fifth Munich triumph for Andreas Gabalier

23.06.2024 14:39

When it comes to concert records, there's no getting around Andreas Gabalier. With guests such as "The Hoff" and Mario Barth, the hitmaker made 60,000 fans scream despite the rain in Munich.

So Andreas Gabalier has done it no less than five times: the Styrian, who will be 40 years young this November (a huge ceremony will be held in the Graz Stadthalle in November), filled Munich's Olympic Stadium five times. This time with guest appearances such as that of David Hasselhoff, the successful musician also fulfilled a wish on Saturday evening.

"David has been to my barbecue at home before. And now I asked him if he wanted to perform with me. And he wanted to", Gabalier told ADABEI and was as happy as a rascal. No wonder, "We all grew up with him," he mused. And he continued, "He's an idol of my youth - and 'Baywatch' is cult anyway." That's right!

"Host" Andreas Gabalier mingled with the crowd shortly before his 5th Munich concert. (Bild: Sepp Pail)
"Host" Andreas Gabalier mingled with the crowd shortly before his 5th Munich concert.
Spontaneous: Semino Rossi with his wife Gabi at the VIP reception before the show. (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Spontaneous: Semino Rossi with his wife Gabi at the VIP reception before the show.
Gabalier manager Klaus Bartelmuss brought Mario Barth an iron. (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Gabalier manager Klaus Bartelmuss brought Mario Barth an iron.
Tennis legend met skiing legend: Nicole Hosp and Thomas Muster at the concert. (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Tennis legend met skiing legend: Nicole Hosp and Thomas Muster at the concert.

The fact that comedian Mario Barth (Gabalier manager Klaus Bartelmuss helped him out with an iron for his show T-shirt) performed in the supporting program should only be mentioned in passing. Here, too, the artists have a friendship. So it was an evening among special people - with 60,000 fans. And they all braved the rain.

The VIP area was packed with, among others: Ex-tennis ace Thomas Muster, ex-ski queen Nicole Hosp, Gabalier's mom Huberta with husband Gert, Dsire boss Bernhard Scheikl and celebrity chef Andreas Frühwirth.

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read the original article here.

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