Fatal accident

Mourning in the Innviertel region: “Will never forget Lukas”

23.06.2024 18:07

It was a fatal accident that sent an entire village in the Innviertel region into mourning on Sunday. A popular 18-year-old boy died tragically on a motorcycle at the edge of a midsummer bonfire. "We will never forget Lukas", mourned friends and sporting companions of the accident victim.

"Lukas was a great guy, a real sportsman. Everyone at the club is shocked." At Union Feldkirchen bei Mattighofen, the news that Lukas W. (18) had died on his motorcycle spread like wildfire and the sporting director, Josef Maier, had nothing but words of praise for the former club footballer.

Popular family affected
The fatal accident on the edge of a midsummer bonfire was the topic of conversation throughout the entire 1900-inhabitant community in the Innviertel region and thoughts were with the young carpenter's family. "When someone so young is torn from life, it's particularly bad. It hits the whole community hard," says Deputy Mayor Christina Huber, who also knows Lukas' family - there are four siblings - from the neighborhood.

Unfortunate fall
Some friends had also witnessed the accident. Near the party, they had been riding around on the local road on a motorcycle that was not licensed - Lukas had hit the verge and crashed. And fell so badly that he hit a power pole. Although two nurses happened to arrive at the scene of the accident just a short time later and the emergency helicopter was on the scene immediately, the young man from the Innviertel region could not be brought back to life. Many candles and flowers laid at the scene of the accident bear witness to the popularity of the 18-year-old.

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