Parents sound the alarm

Dubious website lures pupils with fake ID cards

24.06.2024 06:00

A 15-year-old from Salzburg ordered a fake ID card on the Internet. Shortly afterwards, he received a letter from a debt collection agency. Not an isolated case . . .

"He wanted to go to a party, but they wouldn't let him in - because my son is still too young," sighs Renate Kendlbacher(name changed by the editor) . It was this experience a few months ago that started all the trouble for the Salzburg mother.

Shortly afterwards, her 15-year-old son came across a dubious website on the Internet. You can buy fake ID cards there - with a date of birth of your choice. The teenager quickly made himself three years older, ordered a fake school ID card - but did not pay for the dubious document.

"At some point, I received a letter from a debt collection agency. They wanted 150 euros from my son," says Kendlbacher. The woman from Salzburg now went on the offensive: "My son is 15, he's not allowed to sign a purchase contract like that yet," she told the debt collection agency. Only after a long back and forth did the debt collectors give in. "This company is completely shady, there shouldn't even be such a thing," rumbles the mother.

Going to a booze party at 15? Possible with the wrong ID. . . (Bild: Pail Sepp)
Going to a booze party at 15? Possible with the wrong ID. . .

"It's a dubious business model "
Kendlbacher turned to the Chamber of Labor (AK) in her distress. They are already aware of the ID card website and know of several cases. "I don't think it's right, even though the website clearly states that the ID cards are just a prop," says AK consumer advocate Bettina Pichler. The website uses a "highly questionable business model". And: "If you order a student ID card there, for example, and use it to obtain discounts, this is actually fraud", says Pichler.

The website states: "The way we forge your ID, you're on the safe side."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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