Traffic jam on the A10

“Nothing is happening”

24.06.2024 07:00

Tennengau's mayor repeatedly calls for a metering system. The road network cannot cope with the volume of traffic. The municipalities are hoping for a breather.

The temporary single lane in the A10 tunnel construction sites raises a question: Can our roads no longer cope with these masses of cars? The effects of the roadworks: Miles of traffic jams on the highway and in the communities lead to anger and frustration among locals and tourists. A small glimmer of hope: as of Friday, all five tunnel renovations have been stopped. Both lanes can be used again. Time to lean back? No, because even before the A10 roadworks, the roads were congested.

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The same scenes for years. The same demands for years. But nothing is happening.

Alexander Stangassinger, Bürgermeister Hallein

Cross-party mayoral demands
That is why the mayors Martin Dietrich (Golling, SPÖ), Thomas Freylinger (Kuchl, ÖVP) and Alexander Stangassinger (Hallein, SPÖ) have been calling for a block clearance. Stangassinger: "The same scenes for years. The same demands for years. But nothing is happening."

"Dosing system is the only option"
All affected municipalities were recently invited to a summit with Provincial Councillor Stefan Schnöll (ÖVP). More controls are not possible, nor is a metering system and responsibility is being shifted back and forth between the state, federal government and Asfinag, summarizes Stangassinger. Schnöll's party colleague, Thomas Freylinger, the mayor of Kuchl, is not letting up with his demand for a metering system: "It is the only way to protect our town."

Golling residents hope for a breather
The municipality that is suffocating the most in the avalanche is Golling. Martin Dietrich is now mayor there. He says: "The months of May and June were characterized by enormous traffic congestion in Golling. We can only hope that the summer will bring a breather and that lessons will finally be learned from the last ten months for the second construction phase starting in September!"

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