Customs in Salzburg

Splendor of flowers as the great pride of Zederhaus

24.06.2024 08:00

The ancient custom of carrying the Prangstangen is in preparation. The legend tells how the ladies diligently tie them.

You always take two flowers at a time, staggered, and then pull it really tight," explains Ursula Baier, who has strong ties to the custom herself. She has been helping for many years when thousands of flowers become garlands.

A group came together in the Maurerhaus monument courtyard. The tasks have been handed down over the centuries. Gender issues have no place here. The ladies work in the run-up to the procession, then unmarried, strong lads lend a hand.

Magnificent sight at the church. (Bild: Holitzky Roland)
Magnificent sight at the church.

The tradition in numbers is impressive: up to 300 hours of work are invested per pole. The ladies tie up to 60,000 flowers before the procession. The tallest pole measures eight meters. Smaller versions are proudly carried into the church by schoolchildren. The maximum height is dictated by the slightly higher interior.

Heat already set in during preparation
The basis in the sea of flowers is white: "First of all, the poles are wrapped in daisies," say Patrick Gfrerer and Lukas Baier, two of the bearers who lift and balance the flower poles weighing up to 80 kilos. Colorful flowers come over the white "Sunnawendla".

Lukas and Patrick are also bearers. (Bild: Holitzky Roland)
Lukas and Patrick are also bearers.

Gentian and peonies are also a must for this ancient custom, which goes back to a vow made after a plague of locusts. "There's not much red this year because nature is earlier and the peonies have almost faded," explains Johann Gfrerer. Initial preparations start two weeks before the big date. Due to the heat, the final work was moved to the cool cellar.

In Zederhaus, the procession always takes place on St. John's Day (June 24) - i.e. today. The second venue for Prangstangen is Muhr, every year on June 29 on St. Peter and St. Paul's Day.

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