But not yet war!

Netanyahu: Heavy fighting in Rafah “about to end”

23.06.2024 22:52

The intensive phase of the Israeli military operation against the radical Islamic Hamas in the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip will soon come to an end, according to the Israeli government.

"The intensive phase of the fighting against Hamas is about to end", Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Israeli broadcaster Channel 14 on Sunday. However, this does not mean "that the war will soon be over". In Rafah, on the border with Egypt, Israel's armed forces are taking action against what they see as the last Hamas battalions. The offensive is highly controversial internationally.

Destroyed residential building in Rafah (Bild: APA/AFP/Eyad BABA)
Destroyed residential building in Rafah

After the end of the intensive phase, "we will be able to move some forces back to the north", Netanyahu announced. This will be done "primarily" for defense purposes, but also to bring back the residents who fled from there.

Netanyahu open to "partial agreement"
Netanyahu said that he would not enter into an agreement that would put an end to the war in the Gaza Strip. However, he was open to a "partial agreement" that would include the return of hostages from the Gaza Strip.

US representatives have expressed doubts about Israel's goal of completely destroying Hamas. Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari also expressed doubts on Wednesday and described Hamas as an "ideology" that could not be "eliminated".

Defense minister in Washington for talks
In view of the feared escalation on the border with Lebanon, Israel's Defense Minister Joav Gallant travelled to Washington on Sunday. During talks with US government representatives, he will "discuss the developments in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon", said Gallant before his departure. Israel is prepared for all measures that may be necessary in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and other areas, he said.

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