In the Salzburg gate

Schlager or Blaswich: There can only be one!

24.06.2024 06:30

FC Red Bull Salzburg have made a statement with the signing of goalkeeper Janis Blaswich. But who will keep goal for the Bulls in the future? The new signing or ÖFB team goalkeeper Alex Schlager? Two "Krone" editors, Sebastian Steinbichler and Christoph Nister, also asked themselves this question.

Many questions remain unanswered ahead of the start of training for FC Red Bull Salzburg for the coming season. The goalkeeper position is definitely explosive. The runners-up have strengthened their squad with Janis Blaswich from RB Leipzig. This means that Alexander Schlager will face stiff competition for the position of regular goalkeeper. But who will be the Mozartstädter's number one next season?

Ja zu Blaswich
Der Neuzugang ist die logische Nummer eins

"He will play there regularly, including internationally." This statement by Leipzig's sporting director Rouven Schröder underlines the fact that Janis Blaswich has come to Salzburg to be number one. Which is also the logical consequence. Because he has a few things over his rival Alexander Schlager. The 28-year-old from Salzburg is still in rehab and will therefore miss the start of training and at least the first test matches.

(Bild: Andreas Tröster,, Krone KREATIV)

The new signing (33), on the other hand, will be in the box, gaining self-confidence and a regular place. In the German Bundesliga and in the Champions League, the German regularly showed what he is capable of. National coach Julian Nagelsmann even called him up to the national team. An accolade when you think of the density of top goalkeepers from Germany. With all due respect, this also outshines Schlager's number one status in the ÖFB team before the injury. He held this position despite a few slip-ups in the spring. Salzburg can look forward to a new number one in Blaswich, who will also set the tone throughout the Bundesliga.

Er ist eine Identifikationsfigur
Salzburg braucht einen wie Schlager

When Alexander Schlager moved from LASK to Salzburg last year, he was initially intended to be the backup goalkeeper. What followed is well known: After his debut season with the Bulls, he was not only voted the best goalkeeper in the Bundesliga, but was also - until his momentous injury - the number one in the national team. The 28-year-old made several outstanding saves last fall, silencing all his critics. The Salzburg native also managed to win the hearts of the fans by storm.

(Bild:, Krone KREATIV)

From now on, however, he is starting from scratch again. New coach, new starting position. Which is not easy for Schlager, because unlike Janis Blaswich, he first has to fight his way back from injury. And that's exactly what the family man will do. He is not one to give up easily, but is one of those players who are hugely important to the team as a figure of identification. Blaswich may have a slight advantage at the start due to his fitness, but Schlager will fight his way through, just like last year. And give the Bulls fans a lot of pleasure.

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