Danube Island Festival protest

Last Generation threw orange paint on stage

24.06.2024 06:58

At the weekend, activists from the Last Generation protested at the Danube Island Festival in Vienna. They threw orange paint onto one of the stages from a height of 40 meters. They also unfurled banners and spoke on stage, as can be seen on recordings.

One activist criticized the lack of climate protection measures and, in this context, the government's inaction. The fundamental right to climate protection must be included in the constitution, said Bianca (29), who "borrowed" the stage from the band Itchy. Without this fundamental right, people would no longer be granted a peaceful day, she said in a post on the platform X am Sonntag.

Watch the video of the activist's performance here.

Sound turned off
Some of the visitors to the Danube Island Festival applauded. Although the organizer had turned off the sound for the group on Saturday evening, this would not stop the climate crisis, as can be read in the text displayed after the performance.

This banner was unfurled on Sunday evening. (Bild: Letzte Generation Österreich)
This banner was unfurled on Sunday evening.
The orange paint was thrown onto the stage from this gondola. (Bild: Letzte Generation Österreich)
The orange paint was thrown onto the stage from this gondola.

A day later, the protest continued: the climate activists unfurled a 25-metre-long banner with the inscription "We are the last generation before the tipping points". At the same time, orange-colored cornstarch was thrown out of a gondola - as a "distress signal", as they say. The gondola was part of the festival as advertising.

"Corn starch is edible and completely harmless to animals and the environment. It is perfect as a binding agent for creamy sauces," reads a statement from Last Generation. If the group didn't interfere, they wouldn't be listened to.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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