"Decisive calls"

Orban hopes for Trump in peace negotiations

24.06.2024 08:35

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has spoken out in favor of negotiations in the Ukraine war. He is hoping above all for the possible future US President Donald Trump. "The US president is the only person in the universe who could make the decisive two calls in Kiev and Moscow," said Orbán.

It was clear that Russia's attack on Ukraine was "completely unacceptable" and had violated the principles of international relations. "But I am not concerned with the interests of Ukraine or Russia, above all I want the war to end and for there to be a ceasefire. In the end, it's about a new European security architecture in which we can live peacefully," said the Hungarian head of government.

From the left: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and US presidential candidate Donald Trump (Bild: AFP)
From the left: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and US presidential candidate Donald Trump

Considered an ally of Putin
When it comes to negotiations, he is relying above all on US presidential candidate Donald Trump (see video above). He is a "man of peace" who has not started a single war. In addition, Trump is a "person who shakes up the system." "We don't know exactly what the Russian reaction would be if the US leadership said: 'Listen, we'll stop the killing tomorrow morning and negotiate'," said Orbán.

The Hungarian Prime Minister, who has been in office since 2010, is considered the closest ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin within the EU. His government recently blocked billions in military aid for Ukraine.

No war with Merkel
We wouldn't have a war "if Angela Merkel was still chancellor", Orbán also said. "She would have done what she did after the Russian occupation of Crimea: Isolate the conflict, not internationalize it." The peninsula was annexed in 2014 and is an important Russian staging area for the war in Ukraine. It is also home to the Black Sea Fleet and several Russian air force bases.

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