Bold style in Paris

Cara Delevingne revives the cone bra

24.06.2024 10:52

There were all kinds of great looks on show at Vogue World 2024 in Paris. First and foremost that of Cara Delevingne. She revived the iconic cone bra that once made Madonna a cult figure.

On Sunday evening, the celebrities celebrated Vogue World 2024 in Paris. There was plenty to see - not only on the catwalk in Place Vendôme, but also on the red carpet.

Cara in the iconic Madonna look
One in particular attracted a lot of attention: Cara Delevingne. The top model appeared at the big show of the fashion magazine "Vogue" in a corset look with pointed cone breasts that perked up a little.

Cara Delevingne attracted everyone's attention with her Madonna memorial look in Paris. (Bild: APA/Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)
Cara Delevingne attracted everyone's attention with her Madonna memorial look in Paris.

If this look looks familiar to you, you're probably a bit older, we'll forgive you. Madonna made the cone-bra a cult look in the early 90s during her "Blond Amition" tour, when she took to the stage in a corset outfit with a pointy bra by Jean Paul Gaultier.

Celebrities wowed in Paris
A style that is now celebrating its big comeback, as Delevingne impressively demonstrated on Sunday evening. Her cheeky cone-bra style was designed by Simone Rocha, who had created a collection as a guest designer for Gaultier.

But Delevingne was not the only eye-catcher on this evening, Diane Kruger appeared in an exciting lace look, Alexa Chung let flowers do the talking and the "Emily in Paris" star came as a glittering bow.

Diane Kruger (Bild: APA/Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)
Diane Kruger
Alexa Chung (Bild: APA/Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)
Alexa Chung
Ashley Park (Bild: APA/AFP/Geoffroy VAN DER HASSELT)
Ashley Park
Eva Longoria (Bild: APA/Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)
Eva Longoria
Jared Leto (Bild: APA/Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)
Jared Leto

Eva Longoria, on the other hand, opted for a classic look and slipped into a black, figure-hugging dress. And Jared Leto came in a nude look with boxer shorts under a transparent coat.

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