Millions in damages?

Dispute with the FIS: ÖSV files suit!

24.06.2024 11:01

The Austrian Ski Association (ÖSV) has filed the announced lawsuit against the International Ski and Snowboard Federation FIS with the Cartel Court. The FIS under President Johan Eliasch is striving for centralized marketing of the lucrative international media rights. The ÖSV, which has marketed these rights itself up to now, fears that this will cost it millions.

"With its decision, the FIS Executive Board has restricted competition on the market. This is already having an impact on the ÖSV, which is facing a potential seven-figure loss," explained ÖSV Managing Director Christian Scherer recently.

ÖSV Secretary General Christian Scherer (Bild: GEPA pictures)
ÖSV Secretary General Christian Scherer

In the delicate matter of the centralization of media rights, FIS President Johan Eliasch surprisingly announced in April that he had cleared the way for implementation. If he has his way, the model will take effect from 2026.

Shaun White goes his own way
Scherer did not want to assess the long-term consequences of possibly losing the legal dispute. Irrespective of the case, however, alternative scenarios are constantly being considered. The ÖSV is following the latest developments in the snowboarding sector with interest, where superstar Shaun White is launching his own halfpipe series - the Snow League - with prize money of 1.5 million dollars (1.3 million euros). While the Alpine Ski World Cup is held under one roof, there are several different halfpipe series.

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