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After Tah out! Will Rüdiger also miss the round of 16?

24.06.2024 11:20

DFB defender Antonio Rüdiger is out after the final group game against Switzerland. His participation in the round of 16 is currently questionable. It was announced on Monday that the defensive boss had pulled a muscle. This increases the Germans' worries even further. His teammate Jonathan Tah is already suspended after picking up his second yellow card. How should national coach Julian Nagelsmann react?

Will Germany have to pay dearly for their acclaimed last-minute equalizer against Switzerland on Monday? Apparently, central defender Antonio Rüdiger injured himself while celebrating, as reported by "Sport Bild". On Monday, the 31-year-old was finally diagnosed with a muscle strain on the back of his right thigh. German coach Nagelsmann also confirmed that the defender's participation in the upcoming round of 16 is on the cards.

According to the report, the Real player was injured while celebrating with his team-mates. The 31-year-old lay on the ground in the crowd of cheering players and then had to leave the pitch with his face contorted in pain.

Who will play in central defense?
A loss of the defensive leader would hit the Germans hard anyway. Especially as his partner in central defense, Jonathan Tah, was also disqualified for the round of 16 with his second yellow card. The previously solid central defense could therefore have to be completely reshuffled.

Nico Schlotterbeck (left) and national coach Julian Nagelsmann. (Bild: AFP/APA/Tobias SCHWARZ)
Nico Schlotterbeck (left) and national coach Julian Nagelsmann.

Nagelsmann has already identified BVB defender Nico Schlotterbeck as an alternative to Tah. However, he has not really acted as a defensive leader so far. If Rüdiger is unavailable, this will be a significant factor. The national coach's other alternatives are Robin Koch from Eintracht Frankfurt and Waldemar Anton from VfB Stuttgart.

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