GPA survey shows:

This is what under 30s value in the workplace

24.06.2024 14:15

Young people choose their training primarily on the basis of interest, enjoyment, job opportunities and earning prospects. This is the result of an IFES survey commissioned by the trade union GPA, in which 1000 people between the ages of 16 and 29 took part.

In the workplace itself, a good working atmosphere is "very important" for two thirds of those surveyed. This is followed by clear boundaries between working hours and free time as well as compatibility with non-work interests and commitments. In contrast, only around one in five people rated the option of working from home as particularly important. The fact that the company or industry is environmentally sustainable or has a good reputation is important to around one sixth of respondents.

Desired working hours at 34 hours
The working hours themselves were also surveyed: for 16%, it is "very important" that there is an option to work part-time. The average desired working time was 34 hours per week, with women preferring to work slightly shorter hours than men (32 versus 35 hours per week).

More than one in three respondents felt that their income was too low, with women being more dissatisfied at 43 percent. Another result: only one in ten feel very well informed about the world of work, including their rights and obligations. The trade union, which commissioned the survey from IFES, is therefore calling for the subject "Experience the world of work" to be taught in all schools as preparation for future careers.

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