Plein Air Wallern 2024

Looking over the shoulders of artists as they paint

24.06.2024 19:00

Yesterday saw the start of "Plein Air 2024" in Wallern. Here you can watch painters create their works in the great outdoors.

Plein air painting is open-air painting. "En plein air" is French and means "in the open air".

And for many artists, this is exactly where they find the largest and most beautiful studio to paint in.

For several years now, the "Plein Air Days" have been held in Wallern at Landhaus Tauber in collaboration with the municipality and the tourism association. This time, six artists are taking part. Michaela Mair, Jay Finger, Iwa Kruzkowscka, Robert Floch, Hermine Schlag and Florian Stolle will bring "a piece of nature" to their canvases from Monday to Friday in the open air with natural light and shadow conditions and natural colors. "Spending a week concentrating solely on creative work is simply a joy," all the artists agree.

Florian Stolle is looking forward to a week of nature and color. (Bild: Veronika Maria)
Florian Stolle is looking forward to a week of nature and color.

The special thing about this week: Interested parties can look over the painters' shoulders and talk to them.

"Experiencing the art process live and seeing how a work is created step by step is something special and impressive every year," says Hans Tauber from Landgasthaus Tauber enthusiastically. The works of art can then be admired at a vernissage on Friday from 6 pm at the Landgasthaus Tauber.

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read the original article here.

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