"Love is..."

Heidi Klum in a bikini partner look with husband Tom

24.06.2024 18:00

"Love is ...", raved Heidi Klum on Instagram and also revealed the reason why she is still smitten with her husband almost five years after saying yes to Tom Kaulitz. He even gets carried away with the bikini partner look ...

Of course, Tom didn't slip into a skimpy bikini like Heidi Klum. But he did choose a pair of swimming trunks with a leopard pattern like the top model's two-piece.

"Love is ..."
Not an everyday style for a man, as the 51-year-old also appreciates. That's why Heidi not only posted a short clip on Instagram to prove it, but also wrote: "Love is ... when it matches your bikini print."

Klum recently vacationed with her family in Italy. Whether the partner look video was shot there, or whether Heidi and her loved ones have long since returned to the USA, she left open.

Twin married
At the beginning of August 2019, Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz tied the knot on a yacht off the Italian island of Capri. In the Netflix documentary "Kaulitz & Kaulitz", which can be seen on the streaming provider from June 25, the twins talk about the intimate relationship that connects them all three.

"Bill and Heidi are also really close, and it wouldn't work any other way," said Tom, explaining that his wife simply gets on brilliantly with his twin brother.

"Heidi was the first to understand right from the start what kind of relationship Tom and I had and that she was marrying a twin," agrees Bill. And Heidi? She thinks it's great, as she explains in the Netflix documentary: "Two for the price of one, I like it ..."

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