"Wish you good health"

ÖFB team celebrates Alaba’s birthday: “We need you!”

24.06.2024 15:41

David Alaba celebrated his 32nd birthday on Monday with his ÖFB colleagues. According to the team, the obligatory serenade is planned for dinner. Alaba will also receive a pot cake with caramel and peanut butter

"What he needs, and what I want to wish and give him, is health," said his close friend Marko Arnautovic. Alaba will not be able to play in the European Championships due to a cruciate ligament rupture, but will be a non-playing captain in Germany.

"We want to see David back on the pitch as soon as possible," emphasized Arnautovic. "Because we need David, because Real Madrid need David, the fans, the media - everyone needs David." In the morning, however, he would have found it difficult to get up and congratulate his long-time companion and give him a hug. "I'm not approachable in the morning," joked Arnautovic on Monday afternoon in a humorous press conference ahead of the final European Championship group game against the Netherlands in Berlin on Tuesday (18:00/live on ServusTV and RTL).

They wish you good health
According to team boss Ralf Rangnick, he was awake earlier than his star striker. He had treated himself to a "really good, intensive yoga strengthening session" in the morning, the 65-year-old revealed. Rangnick took up the offer of private coach Cho Young-sun, whom his players had flown into the European Championship camp. Bayern Munich legionnaire Konrad Laimer has been working with the yoga therapist and martial arts fighter for some time. Other players in the ÖFB squad are also said to be enthusiastic.

Marko Arnautovic (Bild: AFP or licensors)
Marko Arnautovic

Alaba also has a personal therapist on site. Rangnick is currently focusing on his rehab. "But we also talk about the games almost every day," said the German about his "non-playing captain". The team boss also wished Alaba "good health". He himself also has a birthday during the tournament. Rangnick turns 66 on Saturday. One day later would be the first possible date for the round of 16, provided the ÖFB team finishes third in the group.

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read the original article here.

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