Tour of France

Austro star Felix Gall confirms Tour ambitions!

24.06.2024 15:54

As of Monday, Gregor Mühlberger's participation in the Tour de France has been confirmed in addition to Felix Gall's, which was already confirmed months ago! For Mühlberger (30), who has been nominated as a helper in the Movistar squad around Enric Mas, this will be his sixth Tour participation. Gall (26), who finished eighth last year, will lead the French Decathlon team as captain for his second participation in the Tour of France, which starts in Florence on Saturday.

Gall, who won the queen stage in 2023, will be supported by newly crowned French champion Paul Lapeira, among others, in his hunt for another top place. His team's eight-man squad also includes French riders Dorian Godon, Bruno Armirail and Nans Peters as well as sprinter Sam Bennett from Ireland.

"The emotions of last year give me extra motivation!"
"I think we have a very good collective. The goal is clear: the overall classification. This year, the task has been clear since the beginning of the season, because I will be the captain, and that is a different responsibility. There are more expectations, but also more support from the team," said Gall, referring to his outstanding debut in 2023. "Last year, the Tour de France went very well for me. It's very difficult to win a stage at the Tour, but we have the team for it - and the emotions of last year give me extra motivation."

"We have a great team and a very good climber in Felix Gall!"
His team boss Vincent Lavenu is fully backing the East Tyrolean and is hoping for Bennett in the sprints. "We are ambitious, have a great team and a very good climber in Felix Gall," said Lavenu, whose team has already celebrated 26 victories this year. However, Gall has not yet managed a podium finish in his few racing appearances and is currently putting the finishing touches to his skills at an altitude training camp in the French Maritime Alps.

Marco Haller could be nominated as the third Austrian participant. The experienced rider can hope for a place in the Tour squad of the Bora racing team. The team will be wearing the colors of the new majority owner Red Bull for the first time in France. The squad will be presented on Wednesday in Salzburg.

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read the original article here.

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