Still on the run

Runaway cattle did not follow even herding dogs

25.06.2024 09:15

The only really genuine "free-range cattle" can be found in Dimling in the Waldviertel. There in their El Dorado, the harmless animals make no attempt to come home. The escaped highland cattle are still on the move. Now herding dogs have even been deployed.

The farmer and his helpers in Dimling in the district of Waidhofen an der Thaya came across the dog - namely the herding dog. For at least the third week in blissful freedom, six Scottish Highland cattle are roaming free in the immediate vicinity of their home farm.

Two returned home voluntarily, the other six are enjoying their freedom in the area around the farm with wonderful food in the fields, a water reservoir and adjoining forest, which offers protection from the sun and, of course, from their "captors".

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Of course, we are happy to support the search. Hopefully the animals can be caught soon, because the search is also stressful for them!

Christian Bartl, Kommandant der FF Waidhofen/Thaya

Herding dogs hunting cattle
Two herding dogs with handlers were used at the weekend. After the cattle had chilled out in the high field, the helpers were initially unable to locate the small herd - once again the Waidhofen fire department was called in with its drone to locate the animals.

After quickly locating the six calves, it was the dogs' turn. "Everything seemed to be going well at first, but then the cattle turned back into the protective forest. Even the herding dogs shouldn't be able to work very well in this terrain," says fire chief Christian Bartl. The new idea: a fence to prevent the cattle from escaping into the forest.

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