She becomes a queen!

The incredible transformation of Dolly Schmidinger

25.06.2024 05:30

It is an incredible metamorphosis when audience favorite Dolores Schmidinger mutates into a queen at the Lake Festival in Mörbisch. General director Alfons Haider piloted the cult actress to Burgenland. She revealed what she thinks of Queen Elizabeth and what bothers her a little about her guest performance when the "Krone" accompanied her to the first dress rehearsal.

The cat is now out of the bag: "Dolly Schmidinger will be at the Mörbisch Lake Festival this year," says General Director Alfons Haider, delighted about the engagement of the popular actress, who will be the famous icing on the cake of this year's hit "My Fair Lady". Because the 77-year-old is playing the Queen.

The role of the Queen fits perfectly
Haider, who, if he continues like this, will be suspiciously close to the 150,000-viewer mark this year, on the engagement of his Queen: "This role was written in, I was in constant contact with the Galyssas publishing house. Dolly was my very first choice. And luckily she said yes," he tells ADABEI as he takes her by the hand on a tour of the magnificent set. Even Big Ben was recreated in Mörbisch this year.

Schmidinger with the scarf that her father brought her from the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953. (Bild: Chaluk)
Schmidinger with the scarf that her father brought her from the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953.
The "Krone" courier: Kronen Zeitung's Norman Schenz interviewing Schmidinger, who was already sitting on the throne. (Bild: Chaluk)
The "Krone" courier: Kronen Zeitung's Norman Schenz interviewing Schmidinger, who was already sitting on the throne.
More Queen is not really possible: "She was so cool," says Schmidinger. (Bild: Chaluk)
More Queen is not really possible: "She was so cool," says Schmidinger.
General director Alfons Haider not only succeeded in bringing "My Fair Lady" to Mörbisch this year, but also cast the role of the Queen - specially written into the play - with the magnificent Dolores Schmidinger. (Bild: Chaluk)
General director Alfons Haider not only succeeded in bringing "My Fair Lady" to Mörbisch this year, but also cast the role of the Queen - specially written into the play - with the magnificent Dolores Schmidinger.

"A big YES went through my head when he asked me," Schmidinger laughs heartily. She, who has a great affinity for the subject per se anyway: "Because I was married to an Englishman. And my father brought me a silk scarf from the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953. I still have it with me today."

Queen was constantly cheated on
"I've kept a bit of residual nervousness," she says, who was very fond of Elizabeth II (†2022), "She had that typical British black humor. She was so cool." Schmidinger is also certain about the Queen's marriage to Prince Philip (†2021): "I think she had a great time with her Oiden, even though he cheated on her all the time."

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