In the middle of Salzburg

Allegations against asylum seekers: Rape in the bathroom?

25.06.2024 06:00

The police are investigating serious allegations against several residents of a refugee shelter in Salzburg! The scene of the crime: Salzburg's Aya baths. FPÖ provincial councillor Christian Pewny calls for a curfew until the case is clarified ...

When asked by "Krone", the police only provided extremely vague information and referred to victim protection. They could only confirm that the investigation into a "possible sexual offense" was ongoing. The scene of the crime: the Aya pool in Salzburg's Alpenstraße.

According to Krone research, the incident took place on May 5 - just a few days after the start of the outdoor pool season.

What really happened at Salzburg's Aya pool on May 5? (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
What really happened at Salzburg's Aya pool on May 5?

An underage resident of a refugee house is said to have sexually assaulted a visitor to the pool. There are apparently allegations of at least attempted rape. Several other residents of the accommodation are said to have watched the incident.

The police are said to have already been present at the Salzburg refugee home to question the accused. The young people in question are currently not expected to confess to the serious allegations. However, they are likely to have confirmed that they did indeed go swimming together in the Aya pool on May 5 - but always among themselves.

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Until the matter has been fully clarified, a curfew is required at the facility in question to protect the public.

Christian Pewny, FPÖ-Landesrat

The responsible provincial councillor Christian Pewny (FPÖ) is outraged by these developments: "Until the matter is fully clarified, a consistent curfew is needed at the facility in question to protect the population. We must set an example here." He calls for a "halt to the current asylum situation" as quickly as possible.

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read the original article here.

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