For the everyman

New Buhlschaft: “Sensual rehearsal process”

25.06.2024 07:00

In just under a month, the new "Jedermann" with Philipp Hochmair and Deleila Piasko will celebrate its premiere on the Domplatz in Salzburg. Until then, alcohol is strictly forbidden.

The little sins are a must," explains Philipp Hochmair as he lights up a cigar with relish during the "Krone" interview. He treats himself to one a day - as a reward. "I don't drink a drop of alcohol during rehearsals because working on stage is a huge physical exertion. At Domplatz, where we play, the temperatures climb up to 60 degrees in midsummer. It's like being on a frying pan."

The ensemble, led by Canadian director Robert Carsen, has been rehearsing almost daily since the beginning of June. Several bilingual dramaturges support the international team in their work. "Our rehearsal language is English. As Robert is not a native German speaker, he reads the play completely differently. Thanks to him, I'm now getting back to the source, away from rock and punk and away from mixing theater with loud music," Hochmair reveals. "The international perspective on the play is a real enrichment."

Philipp Hochmair's reward: a cigar during an interview with editor Elisa Torner. (Bild: Elisa Torner)
Philipp Hochmair's reward: a cigar during an interview with editor Elisa Torner.

No more bad blood with ex-Jedermann ensemble
The mime generally wants to shed his rock star attitude during his time in the city of Mozart. The parties on the fringes of the festival will have to do without the 50-year-old: "I have to take good care of myself and cut back so as not to jeopardize other appearances I still have outside Salzburg this summer."

Calm has now also returned to the sudden dismissal of the old Jedermann ensemble. "I had nothing to do with it anyway, I neither ordered it nor wanted it. I wasn't involved in this conflict at all. When the offer suddenly came, it came as a complete surprise to me. But: it is an infinite joy that I am now returning to this kind of theater after my own interpretations, to this classical field."

The new Buhlschaft, Deleila Piasko, received the call from Salzburg during a break in filming. "After that, I was only half mentally present on set because I kept thinking, can this be true?" She describes the rehearsals with Philipp Hochmair as a "sensual process". Piasko is also allowed to tweak the design of her costume a little. "I always say what I think, even in an aesthetic sense. But otherwise I'm totally shy. For example, it takes a certain amount of effort for me on the red carpet."

At the moment, she is still blocking out the approaching hype surrounding her. "The focus is clearly on my acting work at the moment." Piasko has increasingly become a nomad in recent years. She does not have a permanent home. "Home is a feeling you give yourself," says the Swiss actress.

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