Foreign Minister furious

Ukraine aid approved against Hungary’s will

24.06.2024 21:16

The EU is launching around 1.4 billion euros in military aid for Ukraine against the will of the Hungarian government. The other members of the Council of Foreign Ministers referred to an earlier "decision in principle" on the subject, in which Hungary had constructively abstained. The Hungarian Foreign Minister expressed his anger after the vote on Monday.

"Our right to vote was simply ignored," raged Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, who also spoke of a "red line" being crossed. Following this "unprecedented violation of common European rules", Szijjártó announced at a press conference on Monday that all legal options would be examined. At the same time, the Hungarian minister regretted that the "will of the European people is being ignored". After all, those governing parties that advocated uncompromising support for Ukraine were "punished" in the most recent EU parliamentary elections.

Hungarian veto policy
The approximately 1.4 billion euros that are now at stake are interest income from frozen assets of the Russian central bank in the EU. The EU had already agreed in principle several weeks ago to use this money for Ukraine. However, due to Hungary's veto policy, it was initially unclear when they could be used.

Hungary's Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó believes that a "red line" has been crossed in the EU Council. (Bild: APA/AFP/Attila KISBENEDEK)
Hungary's Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó believes that a "red line" has been crossed in the EU Council.

The procedure now chosen provides for the money to flow to countries such as Germany or the Czech Republic, which will then promptly provide Ukraine with equipment for air defense or artillery shells. According to Borrell, a further billion euros from interest income is to follow by the end of the year.

90 percent of interest earmarked for military equipment
The proposal for the indirect use of Russian funds for Ukraine was submitted by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell to the governments of the EU member states in March. It stipulates that 90 percent of the usable interest income from the custody of Russian central bank funds should be channeled into the EU fund for financing military equipment and training. The remaining ten percent is to be used for direct financial aid for Ukraine. "We have a legal procedure to avoid any kind of blockade," said Borrell.

According to the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) recalled that Hungary will hold the EU Council Presidency for six months from July. Cooperation is therefore required. "Like every presidency, the Hungarian presidency within the European Union is called upon to assume the position of a neutral mediator who tries to promote solutions and not block them," said the minister.

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