Modric madness! Croatian breaks Vastic’s record

24.06.2024 22:20

Luka Modric has "stolen" a European Championship record from former Austrian striker Ivica Vastic. With his goal against Italy in the third game in Group B on Monday, the Croatian is now the oldest goalscorer in European Championship history.

It was in minute 54: Modric stepped up to take a penalty against Italy, but keeper Donnarmma saved. But the Croatian star from Real Madrid only needed 30 seconds to score. He took advantage of Donnarumma's shot, which was blocked brilliantly but far too short, to make it 1:0 - a historic goal!

(Bild: Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Modric was 38 years and 289 days old on Monday. This secured him a place in the history books. The Real player is now the oldest player to score at a European Championship final.

With his 1:0, the midfield strategist replaced an ÖFB striker at the top of this ranking. Vastic was 38 years and 257 days old when he scored against Poland at the 2008 European Championship at home.

Ivica Vastic has lost his record to Modric (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Ivica Vastic has lost his record to Modric

New danger is already looming
But how long Modric will keep the record is perhaps only a matter of days. Because he faces a double threat from Portugal. On the one hand, defender Pepe, who at over 41 has already become the oldest player in European Championship history.

However, Modric is certainly less afraid of him than he is of superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. The striker would equal his former Real team-mate's record with a goal against Georgia. Ronaldo would then be 39 years and 142 days old.

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read the original article here.

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